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Aug 31, 2018·Nordic Combined
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Oberstdorf, the southernmost muncipality of Germany, is located in the Allgäu region of the Bavarian Alps and about 130 km away from Munich. It is framed by the mountains of Fellhorn and Nebelhorn which can also be reached by cable car fromt the city center. Oberstdorf has about 10.000 inhabitants and is famous as a touristic region and for its excellent winter sports facilities. Next to the famous four hills tournament and the ski flying competition on the ski flying hill, Oberstdorf has also served as a host city for the Nordic Combined World Cup and Summer Grand Prix frequently.

The ski jumping part takes place on the HS 137 large hill of the Erdinger Arena, which also features an newly restored HS 106 normal hill and three smaller practice hills. In summer, the cross-country part is conducted on a rollerski city course which starts and ends in the landing area of the Erdinger Arena. In winter, the cross-country race takes place in the stadium "Ried".

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