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Results performance tests DSV

Sep 21, 2020·Cross-Country
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From 18th to 20th September, the German Cross-Country elite team faces the annual performance test. The three day programme included a sprint F competition, a cross run as well as a Roller Skiing distance race. As every year, the invitation to the performance weekend was open to international athletes too but due to the current difficult travel restrictions, the competitions were held with german athlets only.

The victories on snow of Fridays sprint F was taken by Victoria Carl and Anian Sossau along the 1km course in the ski tunnel of Oberhof. Sossau had proven his talents already during the JWSC Oberwiesenthal at the beginning of the year, when he raced to a good fifth rank at the sprint F.

Ein hartes Wochenende ist vorbei. Ich bin sehr überrascht über meine Ergebnisse und auch sehr glücklich damit. Jetzt heißt es Energie sammeln und weiter arbeiten. @golftimer @atomicnordic @srbskiroller @roecklsports @spitzensport_bundeswehr @dsv_skilanglauf_inside @dsv_nordisch @fiscrosscountry @oberhof_official @thueringer_wald @thueringer.skiverband @teamdeutschland @sporthilfe @adidasterrex #crosscountryskiing #comebackstronger #wettkampf #wirfuerd #sporthilfe #spitzensportbundeswehr #lekipoles #golftime #thüringenentdecken #adidasterrex #dsvnordisch #skihalleoberhof #sportbleibt

Moving along the weekend, endurance athletes were ready to make their move. During Saturdays cross run, another well known name from the german junior team demonstrated his great shape. Friedrich Moch, who participated at his first World Cup race in January, won a silver medal each at 10km C and 30km F Mst during the Junior World Championships in Oberwiesenthal earlier this year. He took the victory of the the 10km cross run with a new personal best of 32:47.2. Julia Preusser (former Belger) was chased by her fellow team mate Pia Fink but managed to take the victory by only just 0.7 seconds.

Sunday awaited with the Roller Skiing session from Gräfenroda to the center of Oberhof along the 17km course. Due to current restrictions for mass gatherings at sports events, the mass start was held in waves with six athletes each. Athletes spread out and strong skiers managed to catch up with athlets from the previous wave and thus were able to also play with tactics along the course. Thomas Bing and Victoria Carl took the final victories of the performance weekend.

All results of from the performance weekend can be found here. All competitions were live streamed and can be re-watched here.

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