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Cross-Country manages leaves Swedish Ski Association

Jun 09, 2021·Cross-Country
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As with todays press release, the Swedish Ski Federation announced that Daniel Fåhraeus will step down from his position as Cross-Country manager.

"It is of course sad that Daniel has chosen to leave the Swedish Ski Association. He has done a solid and much appreciated work to develop the length business, but has also with his experience contributed positively within the entire association. Today we have a very tangible development of our cross-country activities with a strong organization of coaches and leaders and of course very successful skiers. Daniel should really have great cred for that. We wish Daniel all the best in his new assignment and hope that the ski heart will be where it should be in the future as well," writes Ola Strömberg, the Swedish Ski Association's director in the press release.

Daniel Fåhraeus joined the Swedish Ski Association in January 2020: "The trip was perhaps a little shorter than I thought, and it is with mixed feelings that a decision to change jobs is made. But I will move on in life and take on another challenge that is a little, or by the way a lot, closer to my home in Piteå. It has really been a fantastic journey together with a group of talented and committed people who have led to success, both on the tracks and off. I hope that the journey continues for the Swedish Ski Association and the Cross-Country activities," says Daniel Fåhraeus.

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