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Intentional Misrepresentation and the FIS Integrity Hotline

Sep 06, 2023·Inside FIS
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FIS would like to raise awareness for the Integrity Hotline of FIS, which is a service provided by Global Sports Investigations (GSI), a joint initiative of Quest Global Limited and The Sports Consultancy Limited, experts in sports governance and investigations.

The Integrity Hotline allows FIS stakeholders to report breaches of governance and ethical matters as provided for in the FIS Code of Ethics, Anti-Corruption and Betting Rules, FIS Snow Safe Policy and the FIS Anti-Doping Rules. Following collaboration with the FIS Integrity Department and Global Sports Investigations (GSI), we are pleased to inform our members that the Integrity Hotline is now also open for FIS stakeholders to report suspected cases of Intentional Misrepresentation.

Please find further information in the following document:

Intentional Misrepresentation and the FIS Integrity Hotline
170 kB
Intentional Misrepresentation and the FIS Integrity Hotline
170 kB
See also: