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Krvavec in the books for Telemark World Cup

Mar 13, 2023·Telemark
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Heading east for the fifth World Cup stage and the Junior World Championships in Krvavec (SLO) for a Classic, a Sprint and a Parallel Sprint. Masa Strakl’s fiefdom (Slovenian telemark team) is a magical ski resort perched on the top of a mountain with slopes surrounded by forests and overlooking a wide valley. Generally this type of citadel often delivers a postcard view with a sea of clouds below. Except that nature decided otherwise, thus testing the nerves of the organizer Jure Sodja, his crew and volunteers and of course the athletes.

Masa Strakl said, "It was cool to be racing at home after a while. It was long three days for all of us. The weather wasn’t on our side, but this is one thing that we can’t control. Hope that we’ll be back next year."

The Classic postponed
After a rainy night, the snow was so much wet and there was so much fog to maintain the race. Indeed you could hear people 5 meters away without seeing them…and for the moment no one can race with a gates radar in the goggles.  At the end the Classic Junior World Championships will be held in Mürren (SUI) during the World Champs

Jure Sodja said, "I joined the caravan of telemark racing in 2008 and it was probably the hardest year for me to organize and maintain this World Cup. The ones who had my role as an organizer will understand the stress, the feelings and especially the emotions that are behind. All the challenges, especially financial, staff, relationship are already enough to deal with. So when mother nature isn’t at the rendez-vous, you have to cancel and it’s hard for everyone. All what you try to accomplish with your team is broken."

Alexis Page (FRA) said,"A complicated warm-up due to fog and waterlogged snow during the trainings, followed by the cancellation of the Classic. I thought that all the races would have to be postponed. After a good day spent with the team in Ljubljana on the go-kart track  I was ready for the races to start."

Foggy moody suspense for the Sprint and a Viking horn sound across the mist
During the night snow conditions improved allowing to settle the race and to plant the gates. But this was without counting on the fog, the surprise guest star of this World Cup and World Champs. This day we probably talked more about the fog than ski waxing!

Every run was delayed many time and athletes had to test their patience before the miracle appeared…visibility ok…racers ready? 1-2-3 dropin!

In this epic conditions, the juniors were the first to race. Augustine Carliez (FRA) and Alexis Page (FRA) became the Sprint Junior World Champions. A well-deserved victory for the two Frenchies. Carliez confirmed that her first WC podium in Aal (NOR) wasn’t due to hazard. Alexis Page continues to impose his unique «explosive low rider style» and will continue to give a hard time to our top athletes for the rest of the season.

Augustine Carliez said: "These Junior World Champs has been such a success for me. Lots of emotions, above expectations. I came in Slovenia on top of my confidence straight after my 1st World Cup podium in Norway. I knew that I was maybe one of the «expected racer» and I didn’t wanted to disappoint anyone. The pressure was going up when we knew that the classic was re-scheduled due to bad weather conditions.Thanks to the organisation, we managed to race the sprint. As foreseen, pressure was there but less than expected. It was a special feeling in a special moment : I managed to smile at the top of the slope, remembering what I did during trainings, repeating to myself that I was ready, more than ever."

Then double success for the Norwegian junior ladies Kaja Kusvik (Silver medal) and Emma Araldsen (Bronze medal). For junior men, Silver for Giacomo Bormolini (ITA) and Bronze for Yoann Rostolan (FRA). After the first WC podium of Raphaël Mahlknecht (ITA) in Aal, Italia seems to start a positive momentum to confirm in Oberjoch (GER) next week. These Juniors World Champs also confirm the return of the USA team on the international racing circuit with Elizabeth Pouezevara (7th), Alys Riverieulx (9th) and John Kenerson (12th).

Postive vibes also for the Norwegian squad since the World Cup win of Goril Strom Eriksen in Aal and after the Junior World Champs women doublet of the day. A viking has awakened here in Krvavec into this silencious mist. Circling the podium without success, Trym Nygaard Loeken won his first World Cup of the season. Exactly 365 days after he broke his ACL in Mürren (SUI) last season! Hearing a viking horn in Krvavec would not have been impossible with the mist and Loeken on the podium. Bastien Dayer (SUI) finished second and Elie Nabot (FRA) third.

Trym Nygaard Loeken said,"That was a special feeling that it actually happened at this day after being close to victory a couple of times earlier this season. It means a lot to prove to my self that I’m officially back where I was before I left the World Cup on crutches last season."

For the women, Martina Wyss (SUI) finished first followed by Amélie-Reymond (2nd, SUI) and Jasmin Taylor (3rd, GBR). The two Swiss ladies are now ex-aequo for the Sprint Globe title with both 540 points. This promises epic World Cup finals in Oberjoch (GER).

The Sprint race this day was certainly the most stressful for our athletes regarding the conditions. But they all succeeded with a great sportsmanship and smiles.

The Parallel Sprint, epic fights, stunts and United States at the forefront for the Junior team event
Place to the Parallel Sprint, the ultimate show discipline. In the morning the «blue bird» mood was promising but not for a long. In any case, nothing could be worse than the day before in terms of visibility. With Junior World Champs, a mixed team event and the World Cup the timing was tight especially with the stress of a new frog strike. The loom delivered some impressive stunts as for Charly Petex (FRA). Petex (FRA, Junior) is well known for his addiction to loom stunts…probably his signature but this time he probably pushed too hard. So much so that he got sattellized with a hard landing behind the loom. Fortunately no injuries for him.

The drift after the jump was also not easy to manage for the juniors. The lack of experience pushed some of them down. That’s the Parallel Sprint way: no compromises till the finish line. At this game, Noé Claye (FRA) was on fire with a boundless commitment hailed by his challengers. He won the Parallel Sprint World Cup followed by Bastien Dayer (SUI, 2nd) and Trym Nygaard (NOR, 3rd). Nygaard confirmed that he’s back to challenge, like the Frenchies, the Swiss rocks Dayer and Michel for the finals in Oberjoch. For women, Martina Wyss (SUI) won followed by Amélie Wenger-Reymond (2nd, SUI) and Argeline Tan-Bouquet (3rd, FRA).

Noé Claye said: "The skiing I like to do is a committed skiing, unfortunately since the beginning of the season I had not found this feeling. After a very frustrating first day in Slovenia, I am again asking myself a lot of questions. Being really disappointed with myself I have the heart to take things in hand and show what I am capable of. After a qualification where I can fully express myself the runs scroll by, a semi-final more than tight with Nicolas Michel. Now the final that I was waiting for so long against Bastien. It was a dream to be able to pass in front of the legend, even if it was only for one run, so I didn't leave myself any choice and I found again the ski that I like so much."

Trym Nygaard Loeken said: "The parallel was sketchy with even softer snow, high speed and tight course-setting. Unfortunately some injuries today, crossing fingers for them! Luckily the visibility was better today, and the juniors could also have their team parallel at the end. Fun to see team USA on the podium."

For the juniors, the frenchies Augustine Carliez and Alexis Page repeated their hold up for the Gold medal respectively followed by Maria Heggheim Berge (NOR) / Yoann Rostolan (FRA) for the Silver and Camille Bourbon (FRA) / Giacomo Bormolini (ITA) for the Bronze.

The big surprise of the day came from the American team who got the Bronze medal at the Junior mixed team race with Elizabeth Pouezevara, Alys Riverieulx and John Kenerson. After the return of Canada with Michaël André Dansereau this season, it looks like USA is also back in the game for our biggest pleasure. The French team got the Gold medal and Norway took the Silver one. In Krvavec, the junior French and Norwegian teams had nothing to envy to their elders.

Augustine Carliez said: "And just because the day wasn’t enough amazing … we won the team parallel with team France ! A day like a dream. Theses 3 Gold medals represents so much, it is the reward of hard yearly training and I can’t wait for the World Championships soon in Mürren."

Many thanks to our juniors for what they accomplished all along the World Champs especially during the team event! They confirmed that telemark skiing DNA is made of friendship, emotions and sportmanship. You rock!

Despite the conditions, Krvavec had all the makings of a great World Cup stage and this last one will long resound in our minds as a tough one in many ways.

Martina Wyss said: "It was super though races due to the weather conditions. I’m happy to have managed flatlight and fog and a lot of postponement and off course to have win the two races. Organizers did everything to make all the races happen so a big thanks to them. The finals inOberjoch will be super fun and a lot of suspense for sure regarding to the overall World Cup points. The Globe winner of each three telemark disciplines will be decided there. So stay tuned and I hope that the best ones will win!"

We want to thanks all the organizers and volunteers for their hard work.

Jure Sodja said: "As an organiser I was happy about having a hard working team. Having every year a hardworking team of volounteers, even from France, is so important, cause without them, there is no more racing. It is so important to try do the best for FIS Telemark. So we can push this sport further, cause it's worth it, just ask the Juniors…I'm proud to be part of it and looking forward for the next years."

See you in Oberjoch (GER) for the finals!